
Stories that

Insightful, approachable, and always relevant.

Stacker’s newsroom complements existing local coverage around the country. We produce national and local stories that contextualize today's biggest news and bring the world's most compelling data sets to life.

Our growing newsroom


full time newsroom staffers


outside investment

writes a lot


up-to-date, evergreen features available in Story Hub

about engaging topics

Climate Change
TV & Movies
Careers & Education

delivered and syndicated all over


publishers accessing Stacker stories

2 million visits every month
How A Stacker Story Is Made

Track developing storylines and data releases

We start by paying attention to what’s going on in the world. Our aim is to uncover topics that drive clear impact for readers and our publishing partners.

By monitoring major news events and upcoming data releases across every beat—whether it be the midterm elections, real estate market trends, or the latest COVID-19 infection rates—our newsroom identifies coverage that complements the breaking news cycle.

Transform data into storytelling

When we find a story, our team of writers, data reporters, and editors dig in to transform data and insights into relevant stories for our readers.

We draw on hundreds of government sources, private and nonprofit organizations, academic studies, and other data sets to gather the most authoritative information available to power our storytelling.

We employ a rigorous peer-review and editing process to craft authoritative methodologies for each story. And we’re always finding new ways to leverage technology, including using computer-assisted reporting and a proprietary Story Tech Stack to expand our newsroom capabilities.

Add context to drive home the message

Our journalists analyze and structure data to pull out empirical insights for each story. But we don’t stop there—the data is just a starting point. The data is then brought to life through clear, engaging writing, rich imagery, and data visualizations. The result is compelling journalism that's digestible for readers of all backgrounds.

Working with an ever-growing roster of journalists who are authorities in their respective fields, we’re able to ensure every story includes relevant background information—whether that be historical context, data comparisons, or explanatory journalism.

Turn national data projects into local insights

For every story, we aim to localize the insights into the most relevant angles for our publishing partners.

In addition to the 150+ national features published on our newswire each month, we've built a Story Tech Stack that allows us to develop localized stories down to the state, metro, county, or even zip-code level. By combining data analysis and visualization with computer-assisted reporting tactics, we’re able to produce 50+ local series across 384 metro areas and all 50 states each month, offering hyperlocal data journalism at scale to partners.

Deliver and promote freely to 3,000+ publishers.

Stacker is dedicated to accessible and sustainable journalism: All of our stories are available via our free newswire, which supports thousands of news organizations and journalists, empowering their own original reporting, filling coverage gaps, and engaging readers.

We keep this network top of mind, matching stories to their unique audience interests and working with our publishing partners to identify local angles from national stories.

Each morning 20+ stories are delivered across our newswire, RSS feeds, and email lists, as well as on our own website and archive—all fully accessible and ready for syndication by news partners worldwide.

Our Newsroom Values

Our newsroom brings together data analysts, subject-matter experts, and journalists—all working to report, produce, and fact-check the stories we publish every day. We use the same rigorous methods and editorial standards across the board, for all of our publishers and partners.

Create lasting impact

We focus on in-depth stories with a long shelf life.

Deliver local insights—at scale

We pick stories that resonate across our network of 1,000+ news organizations.

Commit to context

We combine data, photos, visualizations, reporting, and writing to tell stories that explain the world around us.

Build stories collaboratively

Our journalists have a diverse range of skills—data analysis, reporting, research, graphics, design, writing, programming, statistics—and work together to tell informative, original stories.

Develop tech-forward journalism

We leverage technology and operations expertise to allow our journalists to thrive.